In the beginning of 2019, in preparation for the arrival of a huge fleet of powerful yellow machines moving onto our 140 ha site at Rainbow Junction to commence
earthworks and the massive Apies River rehabilitation and storm water project, we pondered what to do with the 35ha of post-harvest crops of mealie lands the now evacuated tenant had abandoned.
There was a sizable amount of unmarketable maize on dried out stalks on various pockets of the old farmland. In an exquisite coincidence of timing, one of our owners on the Rossi side found out – social media has its blessings! – that there was a plea for animal feed from impoverished farmers in the various drought-stricken and arid areas around the country.

In the beginning of 2019, in preparation for the arrival of a huge fleet of powerful yellow machines moving onto our 140 ha site at Rainbow Junction to commence
earthworks and the massive Apies River rehabilitation and storm water project, we pondered what to do with the 35ha of post-harvest crops of mealie lands the now evacuated tenant had abandoned.
There was a sizable amount of unmarketable maize on dried out stalks on various pockets of the old farmland. In an exquisite coincidence of timing, one of our owners on the Rossi side found out – social media has its blessings! – that there was a plea for animal feed from impoverished farmers in the various drought-stricken and arid areas around the country.